

Candied Violets

Catching the season for violets can be tricky if they aren't growing in your own garden. Today they were in full bloom at Farmer Jones' place, but he predicts the blossoms will be gone in less than a week or so, depending on how much shade they have. And the season for violet blossoms might be long over if you are living anywhere south of me. The moral of this story is that things are going in and out of season quick - keep your eyes peeled and don't miss out on these opportunities!

One of the reasons I wanted to candy violets this year is to try and get an edge at the baking competitions I want to enter this year. The Mount Albert Sports Day Fair is coming up fast (June 2nd) and there is a new category - Decorated Cupcakes: Spring Garden theme. Truth be told, my icing flowers stink... so this is going to be my version. I will also be candying rose petals this summer and I will try to use those for the Harrow Fair at the end of August.

Candied Violets

What you need:
Tiny paint brush
Fresh violet blossoms
1 egg white
Granulated sugar

Gently beat the egg white till frothy. Using a paint brush, lightly coat the petals with egg white. Wait for a few seconds and then sprinkle with the sugar. Set the flowers on a piece of parchment paper and allow to dry overnight. The flowers will last for a week or two (maybe more) in an airtight container stored in a dry place.